Medically compromised patients with moderate risk conditions include:- Patients with other uncorrected congenital cardiac malformations.
- Patients with acquierd valvular dysfunction.
- Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Patients with mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation.
Potential problems related to dental care:
- Patients with these conditions are at moderate risk for bacterial endocarditis, secondary to dental treatment resulting in significant bleeding.
- Patients with surgically repaired congenital defects without residual dysfunction do not require antibiotic prophylaxis.
- Patients with a history of rheumatic fever but without evidence of rheumatic heart disease do not require antibiotic prophylaxis.
- Patients with mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation do not require antibiotic prophylaxis.
Oral manifestation:
Ussually none
Prevention of problems:
Patients with moderate risk condition should receive prophylactic antibiotics before dental procedures likely to result in significant bleeding.
Treatment planning modifications:
- Patients any of these conditions can receive any indicated dental care provided that prophylactic antibiotics are administered before those procedures likely to result in significant bleeding.
- Dental treatment should be performed in each session during the 1-3 hours after administration of the antibiotics.
- A second antibiotic dose may be indicated if the appoinment lasts more than 4-6 hours or if the multiple appointments occur on the same day.
- Allow at least 9 days between treatment sessions so that penicillin-resistant organisms disappear from the oral flora. If treatment becomes necessary sooner than 9 days, select one of the alternative antibiotics for prophylaxis.
Source: Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient 6th Ed. (Little, J.W.; et al.)Perhatian:
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Title : Dental Management of Patients With Moderate Risk Conditions
Description : M edically compromised patients with moderate risk conditions include: Patients with other uncorrected congenital cardiac malformations. Pat...